Well, I can now report that Simon has (nearly) finished tidying up and de-junking his side of the wardrobe!!! Our wardrobes incidentally are built in ones so look nothing at all like the one to the left!!!! Had to have some kind of graphic though and that was the best I could do.
It took Simon about 4 hours in total and he threw out 1 bag of very old clothes and a few bits of paper. He still hasn't progressed on to his shelves though. I think I may do them myself as it will be a good chance to get rid of all those horrible grubby car T shirts.
The stuff he kept far out ways the stuff that he threw out. Why can't men get rid of anything???
He has hundreds of magasines which date back to the dark ages..........BUT....... HE MAY READ THEM ONE DAY.
Won't they be just a "tad" out of date?? This is equally weird, an old NSRA commitee members shirt, circa 1994, possibly earlier. It is truly disgusting, being royal blue with red and white accents. It looks like something that wouldve been unifrom in an American diner about 1950. Can it be thrown out though? NOOOOOOOOOO. They may possibly have a reunion at some point in the future and Simon would want to wear it. Or it may be a collectors item.
I tried to tell him that if you haven't worn it in the last decade you are not likely to ever wear it again. Plus as previously mentioned, it is disgusting, absolutely hideous. Anyway as far as I can tell the NSRA have reunions about 10 times a year.
Oxford dictionary definition of "reunion" = a coming together after being apart, a meeting.
Therefore by definition every car show is a reunion! You haven't worn it so far so throw it out.
For information the NSRA is a car club for people who make or modify pre some year or other cars. It stands for the National Street Rod Association. NOT the National Smallbore Rifle Association!!! For weird people here is their web site link:
There is probably stuff on there written by Simon.
Actually I have just had a thought....................if there is anyone out there who thinks the infamous shirt is a collectors item then I am open to offers. Maybe I'll puy it up on Ebay.