Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ellie and Evan with the play dough.MP4

At Coralies house Thursday 25th of November. You will be able to hear Coralie in the back ground on the phone to her pay roll department because the messed up her wages again........didn't pay her! This has happened each month since she returned from maternity leave!


Dixie Girl said...

They are just so sweet. Ellie is really growing up. And her hair is so pretty.

I do hope your daughter go her pay straightened out. This happened to David about three months ago with a job he had. He didn't get paid for weeks.

Jilly Glennsansum said...

What makes it worse is this no small company its the NHS! Plus she had worked extra shifts to pay for the new puppy today.

Grammy Blick Texas said...

She is adorable. And I'm so sorry her money got messed up. Seems to take forever to get those things put right once an error is made. And never an apology!

Pamela Odom said...

gosh I cant believe how big Ellie is, shes beeeeeeeeeautiful!!!

Nancy J said...

A beautiful blond there! Kids do love play dough!

Patty Moorman said...

Oh I remember the smell of play-doh. still want to play with it.

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