Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This isn't great but shows one of my squirrel visitors.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Evan and Flynn.MP4

This was at Coralies house on Friday 26th of November while I was looking after them. You can see Flynn walking.

Ellie and Evan with the play dough.MP4

At Coralies house Thursday 25th of November. You will be able to hear Coralie in the back ground on the phone to her pay roll department because the messed up her wages again........didn't pay her! This has happened each month since she returned from maternity leave!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Jessica Maddison

Jessica’s first video! Taken at around 15 hours old. Jessica is giving her big sister Ellie a special necklace and a card. Ellie insists the card is from me because she saw it in the shop when I got some other things. You can't deceive her! Jessica is wide awake and very alert. Watch how she looks around and moves. At the 36 second mark she appears to smile! At the 1 minute mark Ellie gives her a kiss. Too cute!

Fireworks 5/11/10

If you can get past the first 30 seconds it gets marginally better!

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