I also did some sewing yesterday too. Although it was a good day, I did find that I had to really push myself to do things. I am even more lethargic than normal right now. Not sure why really. I often feel under the weather. I have a sort of heavy feeling. I am tired, always tired. No I haven't been to the doctor! Sorry Sue!
I don't think there is much wrong with me. I think it is probably a culmination of the last 6 months. They say that moving house is one of the biggest stresses of all and although we wanted to move and I am very happy here it was quite a big deal. Then of course there were those last few weeks of my Mums life which were so upsetting. In one month I have lost not only Mum but my Aunt Glad as well. Top that off with the worry over my Dad's ongoing ill health and I guess it is no surprise that I am a bit down.
I need to sort myself out. The diet that I had lost a stone and a half on went out the window when we moved here. I think I need to get some motivation and get back on to it. I need to cut down on the coffee and wine, that would help. I need to sort out lunch time too. For years I haven't really eaten lunch. If I am out then I will eat something but not when I am at home. The last few weeks however I have found myself snacking. Yesterday, I didn't eat lunch but I did eat 2 fairy cakes, a piece of brie and a handful of chocolate minstrels over the course of the day. Not a lot but not as nutritious as a sandwich might have been. Probably not good for blood sugar levels. Probably doesn't help my tiredness.
I must also make an effort to get out and about a bit more either for a walk or on my bike. I am finding that I go days on end without leaving the house. The trouble is that I am always busy with projects here. I don't know, I guess I just need to make more of an effort. I shall let you know how I get on. Maybe that will help and you can all nag me!
I mentioned doctors earlier; I am so angry with my Dad's doctor at the hospital. Remember that I said we were waiting for a letter for him to go back? They didn't send a letter they phoned him. Yesterday morning at 10am they phoned to say could he get there for 4pm to have his stitches out. Instead of telling them that he had no transport, he went on the bus by himself. That is 2 buses there and 2 buses back. He can barely walk.
When he got there they didn't take the stitches out because they are dissolving ones! For goodness sake didn't they know that? It beggars belief. He had a lot of plugging in his ear and was told that it had to stay in for another 2 weeks and that they would send him an appointment. When he expressed disappointment the surgeon asked "did you want it out then"? When Dad said "yes", he said "ok, I'll take it out now for you"! Hang on, what happened to the 2 weeks you just said it had to stay in for?
One of my jobs for today is to phone the hospital to complain. My sister had told them quite clearly that we would need a few days notice of any appointment as she is currently abroad and I have a long journey to get there. She told them that he has no transport and that I would be taking him. Instead he went on his own. Not good enough. He is 85 years old, has just lost his wife, just had a nasty operation, has gout and can hardly walk and basically doesn't know if he is coming or going. I am so angry about this.
Right, now I have had my moan, I guess it is time to get on. I have some housework to do and then it is sewing time. I have to sew a patch on to Simon's denim jacket before I get on to more interesting stuff. Friday is always a short day as Simon is home at 4pm. Next week is the school half term so he will be off. We have the Jubilee celebrations coming up on Tuesday so I am hoping that it will be a good week. Hopefully the sun may even come back. I live in hope.
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