We have got new grass. | for everyone |
I am the big man dog with the gorgeous brown spots. I am more special because I am brown spots and my Mummy and sister are black spots. They are called common!
I want to tell you about our new grass in our garden. We used to have real grass but it would die because we "wee" on it. Daddy replaced it 3 times last summer. It wasn't my fault though because the man at the garden centre told Daddy that it is girlie dog "wee" that kills it and I am a big man dog. Girlie dog "wee" has acid or something in it. I am a good big man dog, so I didn't do it.
Anyway, Mummy and Daddy decided that it wasn't worth replacing with more grass so they decided to get something called "astro turf". That's a silly name! It is like pretend grass, but it is very good. Daddy has spent all of his half term holiday week doing it. Mummy helped a little bit.
It was lots of work. Daddy had to dig up all the old dead grass first. Then there was lots of mud and lots of rain and that was lots of fun, but our feet got muddy and that made Mummy cross. Then Daddy put lots and lots of sand down. That was quite fun too, but Daddy got cross becasue our feet left behind "prints".
We got shut in the kitchen the next day while Daddy did "levelling". I don't know what that is. Then Daddy laid down the new grass. It was funny because it looked like he was putting carpet in the garden. When he was finished Mummy let us out.
We didn't know what to make of it at first. We did lots of sniffing. It smelt different. It made a funny noise when we went on it too. Then Daddy started rolling around on it to show us that it was ok. We thought he looked a bit funny, but human people do funny things sometimes.
Daddy obviously wanted us to join in with him, so just to humour him and keep him happy, we did. It was lots of fun and we found that it is quite good for rolling on. We have got used to it now and it is very nice. Mummy says that if it is hosed down every day it will be "high Jeanic" or something. I don't know what "high Jeanic" is, but Mummy seems to be pleased about it.
So we can keep it all nice and "high jeanic" a man Called Mr Plumber is coming on Tuesday to fit a tap and water to the outside of the house. We don't think we will like Mr Plumber but we aren't prejudiced so we will let him in and see what we think.
You can see a video of me and Loulou playing on the pretend grass with our Daddy. This photo is of me. I am very handsome. You can see my brown spots too.
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