Monday, August 27, 2012

Hello everyone

Hello everyone, this is Rosie, Loulou and Alfie. We are having a go on Mummys computer as she is reading her book for a while.  She has spent a LOOOOONG time on her computer today.
Mummy is very sad beacuse our Daddy has gone away for a few days to a place called Door Set.  We think it is a long way, away.  He can't come home anyway and that is what Mummy doesn't like.
He is with some other family that Mummy calls Bloody Glenns.  We think they are his parents but we don't know them at all.  They never visit here and Daddy would not be allowed to take us to visit them.
Mummy says we can't go to Door Set because it's a place that doesn't like dogs.  It doesn't sound like a very nice place to us and we don't understand why our Daddy would go somewhere that doesn't like dogs.  We are missing him as much as Mummy is.
Alfie spent hours this evening looking out of the kitchen window even though Mummy said he won't be back until Sunday.
Mummy is just here with us and we won't have visitors because everyone except Mummy has gone to the Door Set place.  Our Big Girl has gone with Tiny Baby and also our Little Big Girl Saskia.  Our Big Boy went with Girl Lisa and Tiny Girl Ellie. 
Our Little Boy is on holiday in a place what is called Crete so he couldn't go and our Middle Big girl is getting ready to start a new job soon.  She is a teacher now, same as Daddy.  Daddy teaches big children and Middle Big Girl is going to teach smaller ones. Mummy and Daddy are something called "Proud" about Middle Big Girl.  They call her Verity.
Mummy says that she couldn't go because she has to look after all of us.  We know that she doesn't want to go anyway.  Our Mummy would NEVER EVER go to a place what doesn't like dogs.
We are going to look after Mummy tonight.  We have been looking after her all day and listening to her.  We gave her big kisses because we know she has The Headache thing.  We don't get headaches but Mummy gets them bad.  She has been very sad today but we have been very good and are looking after her.  We are going to ask to all sleep in her bedroom tonight so that we can make sure that Mummy isn't upset.
We don't ever want to go to that Door Set place, it sounds very horrible.  They are all nasty people there if they don't have dogs in at all.  Yuk.  Nasty place.  Mummy says that Daddy has told her the food is disgusting too. We like nice food. Our Mummy makes us chicken and rice.  We don't know why Daddy goes somewhere with disgusting food.  Mummy says its because of those Bloody Glenns.
We can't work out why they are Bloody.  We only get bloody when we hurt ourselves.  Both Alfie and Loulou are always getting bloody tails when they knock them on things.  It's cause our tails are very long and we are always wagging.
We have to go now because Mummy says that it is time to go in the garden for a bedtime wee.  We are going to look after Mummy because she doesn't like the nightime without our Daddy and she doesn't sleep.

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