Monday, August 27, 2012

Sunday 8th July

Hey, guess what?  It's raining here.  AGAIN!  The forecast shows rain showers on and off for the whole day.  So, it is unlikely that Simon will be doing anything outside. He is currently working on the wardrobe. There is much swearing going on!  He just cut a strip of wood that will run down the side to cover the join between the side and the wall.  He had to cut a fancy bit at the bottom where it fits around the skirting.  I think it doesn't fit quite right, listening to the swearing!

I have just finished making some 7 year garlic or Torshi Seer. The entire house reeks of garlic. I have scrubbed and scrubbed at my hands and they still smell.  I want to go and get on with some sewing but don't want to handle fabric with smelly hands. Guess I had best make coffee instead.  The recipe for the garlic is in my recipe section.  It is sort of pickled garlic with honey.  They are supposed to be delicious.

The rest of the day is going to be spent sewing and doing some more family history research. Later this evening I am going to order some fabric online.  I have lots of Christmas projects that I need to work on but can't because I haven't got the right fabrics.  

As I haven't got the fabric I need I have decided to start on a quilt project that is in my Popular Patchwork magazine. It is for a single bed size scrappy quilt.  The idea is that they will publish a row a month for 12 months. So it is an ongoing project. This months row is the one that you can hopefully see at the bottom of the photo.  It comprises little 2 and a half inch squares.  You have 48 squares which get sewn into 12 x 4 blocks and then all sewn together.  Easy Peasy, just a faff to cut out all those squares. I'll be moaning I have back ache tomorrow.

Right time to get down to it.  Hope you all have a good Sunday.

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