Monday, August 27, 2012

Wednesday 11th of June 08

Hello this is us, Rosie, Loulou and Alfie.  We haven't been here for a while so we thought we would do an update.  Loulou's tail is looking much better now but she still has to go back to see Mr Vet in a couple of weeks.
Alfie gave Mummy and Daddy a big scare on Saturday night and they had to phone the emergency Vet man. None of us knew what was wrong with him. He was crying all the time and seemed to be in pain. He could only lay down for a few minutes before moving. First of all Dad thought it might be a paw, but he cried each time Dad touched him.
 Dad spoke to the emergency Vet man for ages.  He told Dad that maybe it was something to do with Alfies hips. He had a few problems with them when he was young. He told Dad to give him paracetamol ( A human tablet that we think they take for headaches, don't know what that has to do with hip pain!) He also said to take him for a very short walk in case it was indigestion. A walk may help to settle that.  Rosie and Loulou weren't pleased that he got an extra walk.
Anyway after the walk they let Alfie sleep with Dad in the "middle big girls" room, so he could keep an eye on him.  I slept on the settee (Rosie) and I got to sleep in Mummys room!  (Loulou). In the morning our Dad said that Alfie didn't really sleep much. He phoned the emergency Vet  man again in the morning and he said to bring Alfie to see him.
He got to go in the car all the way to somewhere called Stamford. Mr Vet checked him all over and said he thought it was his hips giving him pain, so he gave him an injection of pain killers and some anti flamories, or something. He also has tablets to take and an appointment to see our own Mr Vet in a few days.
A few hours after getting home Alfie said he felt fine and he has been fine ever since!! Me and Loulou think that maybe he was just putting it on.  We don't think there's anything wrong with his hips. Last time he had his hips bad he could hardly walk and he limped and looked all stiff. He couldn't manage the stairs or getting up on a chair. There was none of that this time.
Me and Loulou think he must either have had a bad stomach ache as he didn't seem to be able to lay on his tummy; or he just wanted some tablets the same as Loulou!   If he was just putting it on for attention then he is a naughty boy because he made our People very worried and Mummy said it didn't do her blood pressure any good.  We don't really know about blood pressure, but our Mummy has got some.
This is me.........Alfie, and those girls are being very bad saying that I was putting it on.  I WAS NOT!  I did feel very poorly and I tried to tell everyone.  My Mummy was very upset.  I felt better when I saw the Vet man.  I knew that would make me Ok.  Naughty girls saying I was making things up.  I would never scare my Mummy like that cos she has blood pressure.
Apart from that things round here are quite normal.  We have had some very nice hot days and we have been able to lay out in our garden and keep watch on those pesky squirrels.  Our Mum really doesn't like them.  We quite like them cos they are good for chasing.  They are scaredy cat squirrels cos they run away when they see us!  HA!  We are good guard dogs.
We have to go now before Mummy catches us on her computer.  Lots of love from Rosie Loulou and Alfie. X X X

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