I am having a lazy day. The house is a total tip but I figure it can wait until tomorrow. Monday is always my busy day anyway as things get left at the weekend. It will be nice to get back to my normal routine after having Simon at home and all the chaos. It will take all day to get straight though. You should see my kitchen floor. I have left it for 2 days as it just seemed pointless. Now it will take forever to clean.
The half term week seems to have gone very fast. I look forward to school holidays so much and then they whizz by. Unfortunately this one has not really gone how I had hoped. The dogs are driving me crazy and I will actually be quite glad when order is restored tomorrow. You see, they know their Dad is in the garden and they want to get out there with him. They can't as the gate is open all the time. So, they cry and whine and howl and cry and whine and howl and cry.......... It drives me potty.
We did have a short trip out yesterday. We went to Sleaford which is about 20 minutes drive from here. It is a small market town and I wanted to see what was there. The answer is not an awful lot. Lots of charity shops which I would have liked to look in but not with Simon in tow. I may have a drive out there on my own one day when I have the car.
They do have an Iceland though which is considerably nearer than going to Peterborough. I quite like Iceland and it is the only shop that sells the butter that I like so I got 8 packs. Should keep us going for a while.
On the way to Sleaford you pass through several villages one of which is Folkingham. It is quite a pleasant place with a very wide main road. I think they must have had a big market there years ago. I want to look it up to find out more. What it has now is a general store, 2 tea rooms and a chocolate house. Of course we had to go in the chocolate house! It's the law! You can't pass by without going in.
We didn't actually buy very much as they do not accept cards, only cash or cheques. That is very unusual nowadays. Since we had less than £10 in cash between us and we haven't carried a cheque book for years our choice of chocolate was limited. We got some very nice fruit and nut. I shall have to call in another time to get a selection of the tiny, handmade, individual ones. They looked good.
There are a lot of interesting places around Sleaford so I am hoping that we can have a few trips out at some point. There is a river and a mill, several large estates and gardens and a very interesting church.
Right nearly time to get off of here as I have hair dye on and it needs to be washed off in about 10 minutes. I was going to just leave the grey to do it's own thing but decided yesterday to get a home dye kit as the grey was not looking good. I still haven't had it cut though and it is very long now. Simon likes it like that but I'm not so sure.
Once I have sorted my hair out I am going to go and take photos of my dish washer filter. Yes, you did read that right!! I am taking part in a trial for Fairy Platinum dish washer tablets. They guarantee to not only give your dishes a superb wash but to also keep your dishwasher clean and grease free.
The first task for the trial is to examine your filter and then to do a wash and then to check the filter again so that you can see how much of a difference has been made. I tend to buy whatever is the cheapest tablet on offer. Fairy Platinum are expensive so it will be very interesting to see how they compare up against the cheap brands. With the cheap brands you do have to buy rinse aid and dishwasher salt. You don't have to do that with the Fairy as they are all in one tablets.
Has anyone else used these? I have free samples if anyone wants to try for themselves. Sadly only my UK friends not my Merikan ones. Do you have Fairy in Merika???
Right time to go sort out my hair. Enjoy your Sunday.
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