Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday 21st May

Well I thought it was about a week since I had found time for a blog but on checking back I see my last one was on the 8th of May so it is actually 13 days. I don't know what is going on. I never seem to be able to find the time.
Now I am sitting here trying to think back, to remember what I have been up to. My mind is blank! Not a good start for a blog!
I mentioned in my last blog that Wendy's Mum, my Aunt Glad was very poorly. I think most of you know by now that she has passed away. Her funeral is on Wednesday. I will be going with Simon and Coralie. She had alzeheimers just the same as my Mum so it is actually a blessing to know that she is finally at peace.
Simon has had another birthday, he is now 57. Happy belated birthday wishes husband! He has also had his B12 injection so he is doing OK at the moment. I am grateful for that as I have other family members who are not well.
My Dad is actually in hospital. He was admitted on Friday. He saw the consultant about his ear infection and they finally decided that it is really bad and that they need to do something about it. They told him to expect a hospital stay of 6 weeks! I couldn't believe it. This is so not what he needs right now when he is trying so hard to get back on his feet after Mums death.
Having said that he does need this infection sorted as he is in terrible pain and this has been going on for months. He is on intravenous antibiotics and morphine for the pain. He was just told today that he needs mastoid surgery and I believe they are now trying to arrange that. It doesn't sound pleasant. It involves drilling! I tuned out a bit then! He will probably suffer permanent hearing loss too. He is not happy about that as he is struggling to hear now and that is getting him down.
Much more worrying is his very high blood pressure. Last night it was 225 over 104. This afternoon it was 220 over 120. Not good. We are not even sure that they will operate with it so high. They are giving him tablets and monitoring it very carefully.
I am going to visit him tomorrow. Simon has arranged a lift so that I can have the car. It is so difficult for me to get there without a car. I'm pleased that I will be able to have a few hours with him as I didn't think it was going to work out this week.
We had a nice weekend with Saskia here. She had come home to see her Dad as she didn't see him on his birthday. We had a bit of a sewing weekend. I showed her how to do crazy patch work and she made a cushion out of the left over scraps from the quilt that I made her. She also made a little coaster and I made her another 2. All crazy patchwork from scraps.
Coralie came over with the boys on Sunday morning which was nice and we also saw the girls briefly when we called in at Sam's. We went to HobbyCraft and Saskia got scrap booking stuff and cake decorating bits and I got a blade for my rotary cutter, sewing machine needles and some fat quarters. Good job I got those needles as I have managed to break 2 today. I couldn't believe the price of the blade, it was £11.50. I need to find somewhere cheaper. Must research online. I can't afford that kind of price. It is nice to have a blade that actually cuts though.
This week I am working on a wall hanging. We are making these with Denise and the 3 of us are doing each stage together so she can make one as well as teach us. I am making mine from fabric scraps to match Saskia's quilt and I will keep it as a Christmas present for her if it works out.
We also stopped off at B&Q and got  a new lawn mower.  The petrol one that Simon got on Ebay has gone up the chute.  It was no good for me to use anyway.  The new one is a nice little electric.  Only problem is, this could now become my job!
OK, that is me done for now as it is nearly time for Eastenders and I need my fix! Going to do some sewing after that as I won't have much time this week so I need to grab every spare minute I get. Hopefully be back in less than 2 weeks!

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