Goodness, just realised that I have been MIA for nearly a week. Events have over taken me again. Last Thursday I set off on the bus in the early afternoon. I was going to Peterborough to meet Simon who was going to drive me to my sisters house. Remember I should have been going to a wedding on Friday and we were driving down Thursday evening. I didn't make it. I think it was the bus journey that did me in. I had a headache for days leading up to it and I couldn't get rid of it. I kind of knew it was a migraine brewing.
Simon met me off the bus and I felt dreadful. He thought it wasn't a good idea for me to go anywhere but we set off anyway. 20 miles down the road I was sick in the car. I knew then that I had to admit defeat and so we turned around and headed for home. I was really upset. That did not help matters. I ended spending all of Friday and most of Saturday in bed. It is the only way with migraine for me. Lay very still in a dark quiet room. Wait until the wretched thing decides to go.
Apparently the wedding went really well and everyone had a lovely time. Even the weather was kind to them and it didn't rain. I am so disappointed not to have got there. I have to go out later today to post their card and an extra present that I made for them. It is a large patchwork cushion. Have to find a box to put it in.
Sunday was Evans 4th birthday. Simon and I got to Coralies about 10.30am to help with the preparations. She was on her own as John was working away and could not be there. Evan had 2 gerbils for his birthday who are called Mr Batty and Mr Gerbil! He seems really pleased with them. I made him the super hero outfit that he asked me for. It consisted of a cape with an EH logo on the back, a mask and a cheap light sabre thing from the pound shop. I also got him a super hero book and jigsaw puzzle. Coralie told me last night that the super hero outfit is his favourite present and in fact he insisted in wearing it in bed on Sunday and wore it to preschool yesterday!
His party went extremely well and I think everyone had a great time. The food was good. We even managed to sit outside in the garden for a little while.
Speaking of birthdays it is Wendy's birthday today so Happy Birthday Wendy! As I am only 46 that must make her 47!
Yesterday was a big housework catch up day. As I had been incapacitated for a few days nothing had been done. I also went to Tesco and did a big shop as I had the car. Only day I can have the car this week. Funny how the car share thing doesn't work out very often! It will finish in July anyway as the other man that Simon is sharing with has been made redundant.
Simon is getting very frustrated with the weather. We have had so much rain that the whole area that he had dug out was completely flooded. My BIL Pete had offered to lend him a pump. In typical Simon fashion he could not wait and when he came home from school yesterday he came in with a pump. I was quite cross as it seemed incredibly silly to spend money when we could have borrowed one.
As soon as dinner was over he was out there pumping water. Of course he didn’t bother to read the instructions so it wouldn't work at first and there was much swearing. It didn't help that the hose only just reached the drain so some water was pumped on to the garden! It made and incredible mess of the drive as a lot of it went over the top and it is muddy. He pumped out a lot but there is still water laying in there which now seems to be too shallow to pump. He still can't get on with the hard core and it is due to rain again later today and tomorrow and Thursday........ Must be a man’s logic, I guess. Seemed like a a total waste of time to me.
The water level had already dropped by about a foot when I took these.
It was warm earlier this morning. For the benefit of my Merikan friends who have a totally different idea of what warm is, this morning it was 66 degrees Fahrenheit. That is warmer than it has been for the last week or so. I like it hot so this is pathetic as far as I am concerned. At least it isn't raining ….yet. I did get to drink my coffee outside without shivering too much. It has been so cold the last few days that we have had several nights where we have put the heating on. I even put it on during the day on Friday.
Friday was just appalling. I was almost glad to have a migraine and be tucked up in bed. It was cold, grey, very windy and it poured and poured the entire day. We are now nearly at the end of June and when I looked at the 10 day forecast just now it is showing pretty much the same. This Thursday the temperature could be up to 75 degrees which would be lovely except there will also be thundery showers!
They have been cutting the hay in the field behind my house this morning. Guess they need to get on with it while there is a dryish day.
OK, that's me out of here for now. It is time for coffee and lunch. I am trying to make myself eat lunch each day. Everyone tells me it is better than just 2 meals a day. Think I will have some corned beef in a roll. May have a yoghurt too. Anyone else tried those Perle de lait yoghurts they keep advertising on the TV? I got some last week and they are divine. They are coconut flavour which seems odd but they are really good seriously creamy. Bet they aren't good for me though!
Talking of stuff that isn't good for us, I got some English strawberries yesterday and some double cream. I think we maybe having dessert after dinner tonight!
Just realised how cold I am sitting here doing this. Might put the heating on for a while. I hate being cold.
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