Just noticed that once again I seem to have gone missing from Multiply. Not been here since last Wednesday. I don't know where the time goes. I would like to tell you that I have been busy reclining outside on my sun bed but sadly the truth is I have been indoors most of the time trying to keep warm and dry. Summer has been crap for goodness knows how many years now but this really takes the biscuit. It's July now and we have put the heating on tonight because it is bloody cold.
If you had looked out of my windows today and ignored the leaves on the trees and the few flowers that are some how surviving, you would have said it was November. The temperature high was 58 degrees. It is grey, everywhere grey. We have had no sun and it has poured with rain all day. Still drizzling now.
Those photos were actually taken on Thursday but it has looked exactly the same today. Amazingly some of the flowers in my baskets are still surviving.
Let's do a catch up......hmm, can't remember what I did on Thursday. Friday was sewing at Denise's house. I had to go there and back on the bus. That is over 2 hours sat on a bus! Good job that I enjoy these sessions. Denise has a gazillion beads so I chose some suitable to finish the wall hanging that I am making as a Christmas present. We then made some cute little owls. Denise did a lovely lunch and then Coralie dropped me back at the bus stop.
Saturday and Sunday I spent mostly sewing. Simon was busy in the garden. He is still pumping water because it keeps on raining! He did make some progress though and has now started to fill it with hard core. He also had Sam over on Saturday afternoon to help him lift 4 concrete panels in place which will hold back the earth down the side.
I had Ellie and Jessica here while Sam was helping outside. It is always lovely to see them but I was actually a bit put out as I didn't know they were coming and I had to drop everything to keep an eye on them while Sam was outside. I do hate it when I have a plan of what I want to get done and then it gets messed up.
Today has been a mega housework day. Nothing was done over the weekend. The kitchen floor was a sea of muddy paw prints. I still have the last load of washing in the machine and it is 8pm. I have done 5 loads today. The ironing pile was huge but it is all done now. At least It isn't as bad as it used to be when all the children were little. I used to do 5 loads a day then. Now it is between 6- 8 a week. I usually do it on Mondays and Thursdays. The number of loads being partly dependent on the weather. If it is wet and muddy then I have lots of dog towels to wash and also the dog bedding needs doing much more frequently.
Tonight, I am doing a bit on here and then I shall do a bit of family history stuff. I am really back into that at the moment. Simon is currently asleep downstairs. He came. in ate his dinner and went to sleep! I think he is pretty tired as he worked every day last week in the garden and it is heavy work. He has done it all on his own apart from Sam helping to lift those 4 panels. I also suspect that he forgot to take his tablets today.
He had said that he was going to measure the wardrobe last night for the top panel but he forgot! He was out in his garage making something for his car. I am going to get pretty annoyed if this wardrobe isn't finished soon. He still hasn't repaired the toilet which my brother in law gave him a little thingy for ages ago. Sorry, can't remember what the "thingy" is called! Seems everything is on hold while he works on the blasted garage. It wouldn't be so bad but you can bet your life that even when this gargantuan garage extension is finished I will still wait forever for him to get things done.
Anyone here on Pinterest? I really like Pinterest. It is so good for getting ideas and inspiration. I added lots of new stuff to my boards over the weekend. I like Etsy for the same reason. I see so much stuff that I want to have a go at. Coralie just opened an Etsy store. It seems to be a bit of a faff and after reading some reviews it seems that Etsy isn't very good at customer service. Anyone know any other sites for selling handmade goods? I know of Artfire but they charge you a monthly fee.
Ok, time to go now. Ancestors to track down.
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