Monday, August 27, 2012

My first post for March

I have not been here for a week.  How can that be? Where has the time gone?  Actually, I have been here, I have been reading and leaving comments, just haven’t got around to writing. We are a week into March already, the year is just flying.
As per normal I have been busy and we have had some family stuff going on so I have just rum out of time. Actually I am lucky to be able to do this today as I cut my finger really badly yesterday using my rotary cutter to cut fabric.  It really is very nasty and probably should have been stitched but I'm a coward!  The blade went in at the side through the middle and then slipped round and up into my nail.  It HURT!  It BLED!  No sewing got done.  I was not happy.  It is still throbbing today.
I'm trying to think what I have spent the last week doing so I can tell you but it's quite hard to remember.  Coralie and I went to Stevenage at some point to see my Mum and Dad but I think I may have mentioned that? I love this photo of Evan showing his Great Grandad Alf how to use an iphone!
I went to Coralie's on Friday for a sewing session with Denise. She taught us how to do bound button holes which was interesting not to mention fiddly!  Friday evening Simon and I went to the auction house for public viewing.  It was interesting but there was nothing there we were wanting to bid on.
We had some bad news on Friday evening and were very upset. Saturday ended up being a pretty grotty day because we were so down. We did go into Peterborough to our allotment to bring some of our stuff back here. The onions we planted last autumn seem to be doing well. I doubt that we will plant anything else there. It is too far away. I am hoping that Coralie may continue there perhaps with some friends. The boys love the allotment. Such a good thing for them to grow up with too. Hopefully we have already given them a love of gardening and growing your own.
On Sunday we visited a garden centre and I got some alpine plants to redo my butler sink. Remember it had to be emptied out because the removal men couldn’t lift it. I was so upset about that. I have got 8 new little plants which I planted in it yesterday. I need to get some gravel to go on top of the soil, like I had before. I have another 3 alpines to go into a small rockery pot that is still at the allotment. Must ask Simon to call there on his way home one evening and collect it for me.
Simon continued to work on the wood over the weekend and it is coming on. All the pieces except 1 have been cut. They have all been planed and sanded to within an inch of their life! He is in the process now of applying Danish oil to them which is making them darker. Hopefully they will be fitted soon. Then, hopefully, he can make a start on our wardrobes. These photos show it resing in place so he can check the fit.  It is NOT finished!
I have been busy with all the normal stuff and lots of sewing and craft work. I am hoping that I can get my curtains finished today. Just need to keep my fingers away from anything sharp! My finger this morning is looking very nasty. I have got it uncovered to get some air to it.
Oh, just remembered, I wanted to show you the new coal scuttle. Simon found a lady on Ebay who paints traditional canal patterns onto every day items and will customise them to your requirements. She did this for us. It is not traditional colours but we wanted blues to match our furniture when it comes.
That is another story. We were told 8 - 10 weeks for delivery. It is 10 weeks now. I spoke to them on the phone on Monday and they said it will be another 2-3 weeks! He tried fobbing me off by saying that it is one of their most popular ranges and has sold very well. Wouldn't you think, if that is the case, that they would have them made up ready. We are having a standard fabric, exactly as in the show room. I am so cross about this.
I am sure other stuff has happened in the last week and I know there were things that I thought “I must blog this” but right now I cant remember. I think part of the reason that I haven’t written a blog is because I am using the iPad as much as possible and it is really useless for Multiply. I did get a reply from Multiply customer services which said:   "Hi,Unfortunately, we don't have an iPad available at the moment to test these problems on but we should have one in a few days. Please hang on and I will be able to update you once we're able to test this.
Thanks for your patience.- Jack"
I do find it a little odd that apparently they have no iPads there???? Very strange. I shall give them a few more days and contact them again. If any of you have iPads or other tablets could you contact them too and report back on what you are told? I am very frustrated by this, especially as my desk top Pc has decided that it doesn’t want to work.
On the positive side I am really liking the iPad. Multiply and the fact that I can't play Farm Town on it due to unsupported Flash are my only gripes. Everything else is great. I am getting used to the touch screen keyboard and it's sensitivity. I do have to be careful not to let my wrist brush the key board or ….. zoom.... comment posted mid sentence!!!
Shiny, new, white iPad in red leather case!!!
I am loving the apps. I have added several new ones including Skype. We tried that out yesterday with Evan and Flynn and they loved it. They have already got the hang of how it works. When it was time to say goodbye because it was time for me to cook dinner, Evan asked if I could put the iPad on the kitchen work top so he could watch me!!!
My Dad has got himself an iPad. He got it at the weekend and my sister and her husband spent ages Sunday getting his broadband set up. Now of course he has to learn how to use it. Yesterday I had 4 phone calls totalling an hour and 40 minutes because he was stuck again! Bless him. He has managed to reply to a few emails though.
He was very pleased to receive a short bit of video from Coralie which shows Evan singing to his great Nanny Iris at the hospital last week. Evan thought he was very clever because each time he sang my Mum would start to mutter so Evan thinks he can make her talk! If only she could still talk. There is a problem going on right now over my Mums care but I don't have time to go into that now. I'll save it for another time. I'll try and post the video later.
Must go now, it's coffee time. Think I'll make some fairy cakes then get on with my sewing.
Fairy cakes all done!  Not iced yet.
I took these photos through the bedroom window this morning.  It is another horrid day.  Grey, very grey!  It is cold windy and pouring with rain. 
In between the rain showers I zipped out in the garden and did my first iPad video.  I'll try and put it on here later.  I just really wanted to see if it worked ok.
While I was out there I noticed some of the remaining branches from when all those trees and shrubs were taken out are sprouting buds.  I broke off some twigs with buds on.  Not sure if they are Budleia or Lilac. Anyone know if I stick them in water or earth if they will grow???
I also took a photo of the wormery.  My friend Ingrid loves worms so hopefully she will be pleased to see mine!  They had been inside during that really cold period but they are back outside now.  They seem to be much slower outside. They were moving very fast when they were inside.  They don't seem to be eating much yet either.  I am only putting in a small amount as you must be careful not to over feed. 
Ok, I am done here now, I need to go and see what I might do for dinner. I am thinking some kind of dish with chicken breasts.  Will try to post those videos later.

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