Well, I don't know where the weekend has gone to. All I know is that it has more or less gone! I went into school on Friday for a meeting and although I was only there for four hours and didn't have any contact with the children; I came home with a really nasty headache and feeling sick. It was threatening to turn into migraine so I took my medication and went straight to bed, where I stayed.
Not a good start to being in school next week, I am in school now nearly every day for the next 2 weeks. Fortunately, I should be finished by lunch time. I am really not looking forward to it. The new school is very big, with 1900 students! Scary!! Still it will earn me some extra cash for my holidays.
Yesterday, Simon and I went to Stevenage so that I could visit my Mum. We had a coffee with my Dad and then Simon dropped us at the hospital as he wanted to go and visit his own parents. He collected us at 5pm. My Mum wasn't too bad, but she did get very agitated towards the end of our time with her. I think my Dad stays too long really because this happens every time. Unfortunately, he wants to be there as much as he can and doesn't really seem to understand that maybe that's not the best thing for Mum.
We had tried to get Dad to go for a meal with us but he didn't really seem keen and suggested that we had fish and chips with him instead. Simon really enjoyed it but I was left feeling awful. Remember, recently I mentioned how much I like fish and chips but how bad it makes me feel half an hour later? Well I felt bad!
We left Dad about 7pm as we needed to get back for the dogs as there was no one home and they would be waiting for their dinner. Unfortunately, when we got in, I needed to lay down as I still felt rotten.
I am fine today and we have done all the house work this morning and Simon is now at his barn. I have a little bit more ironing to do and I have one last load of washing to get on. Simon is going to cook a pork tenderloin in a prawn sauce for dinner. It's one of his specialities and really yummy. We have strawberries and cream for after.
Simon also planted a whole load of daffodil bulbs in the edges of the lawn this morning. So hopefully they will come up next spring and the dogs won't trash them. We are going to get some to plant in the lawn at the end of my Dads garden as we were talking about it yesterday and he liked that idea.
I am going to catch up with a few blogs now and then enter some competitions, after dinner we are going to watch a DVD and I will do some embroidery. Then it's an early night as I have to be up earlier that usual for school. Hopefully, I will be able to find time for my blog tomorrow, but I do have to go food shopping on the way home from school and then when I get in, I will have to start on the days round of chores, so I will have to see what time I have. Working really interferes with blogging time. Thank goodness I don't work very often!! 
Just realised that it is not only the weekend that has gone but also the month! So it's bye, bye September and hello to October. Gosh that means that it must be only ....................85 days to Christmas!!!!!
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