Tuesday, August 07, 2012


How do I know this?

1        Every surface, including the floor in my bathroom is liberally covered with assorted toiletries and vast amounts of make up.  The air is scented with exotic scents.
2        What we call her bedroom, now resembles a very messy back stage dressing room
3        It is impossible to have a phone conversation due to the constant loud singing and laughter.  This is assuming I can find the phone in the first place!
4        Cooking has become a much more dangerous pastime.  I now have Saskia twirling and spinning around me at all times.  Try removing a roasting pan from the oven while someone is practising their high kicks over your head!
5        I have been into town in the last few days more times than I have in the last few months
6        The constant refrain of the word MUM.  This will be followed by the immortal wordsCan I borrow”…….
7        Our phone bill has increased by about 400% in 3 days.
Despite all this, it is so nice to have her back even if it is only temporarily.  She will probably be here for a few weeks before returning to Majorca.  She is hoping to go to Senegal for Christmas with her boyfriend. 
Bless her, shes our Star!   Image    

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