Monday, August 27, 2012

Wormies and other stuff

I have had a lovely day. There has been no housework at all just fun. I had Coralie here this morning with the boys. They had come to help me set up the wormery. They were interested but Flynn was more interested in digging in the garden with a little trowel and Evan was concerned mostly about what we would be having for lunch and when it would be. This started as soon as they arrived at 10am!
Never the less we did manage to get the wormery done and the worms installed. Evan helped with adding some garden earth to the coir bedding. This helps them settle in apparently. They then get a handful of special food just to start them off as you can't begin feeding them for a few weeks.
I was very relieved when we opened the bag to see a mass of worms that were very much alive. We have 2 different kinds and they were all sizes from tiny to huge great fat things. We also managed to spot some eggs in there too which is good news. Evan put them in for me. Flynn had no interest. Evan enjoyed holding a couple and this one has even been is called Orange. I am sure he will look for Orange next time he is here.
Once in they started to burrow down pretty quickly as they don’t like the light. I have covered them as instructed with a layer of torn up cardboard then some damp newspaper and then a large bit of cardboard. I am a little worried that it is very cold out there today and windy. They do not like temperatures below 10 degrees. They do not die but become very sluggish so cannot process as much waste.
Some of you were quite concerned yesterday and confused! First of all, although you can keep a wormery inside mine will be kept in the garden. I don't think it can be knocked over it is quite sturdy. The point of a wormery is to compost waste. These are special worms which are totally different to your average garden lob worm and will deal with pretty much all household waste including cooked food in small quantities. They can eat half their own body weight every day. They turn it into a rich vermicompost and you also get a liquid waste (leachate) too which is very nutritious for your plants. So it is win, win, lovely compost and plant food from a few worms.
You know we are all supposed to be doing our bit nowadays to reduce waste so I suggest you all go out and buy yourselves some wormies!
With the worms done the boys played for a while and Coralie and I caught up on all the gossip. We had a nice lunch of hot-dogs followed by orange and chocolate hot cross buns which are really quite yummy. I didn't make them they came from Tesco on a buy one get one free offer. They went home after that.
I have spent the afternoon cutting out bits of fabric for my quilted squares and also for brooches. I enjoyed making those brooches for Christmas so I am making some more. May see if I can sell them. I originally saw the idea on Etsy and they were expensive. I wonder if she ever actually sold any.
Thank you for those that gave feedback on Etsy. It seems that most people say that they don't sell much. I have noticed that the merchandise tends to be quite pricey but then it is all handmade stuff. At least that is the general idea. Some of you have suggested Ebay and I do occasionally sell bits and pieces on Ebay but never anything that I have made, Ebay doesn't seem quite the right place some how. I need to investigate a bit more.
I did make a couple of purchases there yesterday evening. 8 squares of different coloured felt for brooches and a pack of 40 different coloured sewing cottons. I suspect that they probably aren't top quality for the price I paid but they aren't for dressmaking just for “projects”. They have been dispatched so hopefully they might come tomorrow.
I'm doing this again as dinner is cooking. Nothing exciting tonight just Cornish pasties and veggies. Simon should be in soon. He is going to pop out after dinner to a barber shop down in Bourne that he has noticed is open until 8pm on Thursdays. I'm glad as he is starting to resemble Worzel Gummidge. ( A scarecrow character for those who have never heard of him!) I shall have a nice evening watching Eastenders and catching up with some blogs.

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