Monday, August 27, 2012

A doggie blog

I have noticed recently that my facebook feed often has links to doggies that are on death row.  That is to say that they are in a dogs home awaiting a new home and that their time is running out.  It is so very sad.  I wish I could adopt them all. 

Mine are very pampered doggies.

A brilliant cartoon
Dogs are always loyal and faithful, they love you no matter what.

A doggies brain works in a unique way.

All dogs need a loving human.  A human who can teach them right from wrong, a human who will teach them discipline a human with a firm but loving heart.  Not all dogs get this. There are no bad dogs just dogs who have been unlucky with their human..

This is Alfie and Loulou enjoying the snow late on Saturday afternoon. 

I love my dogs, my faithful friends, always there for me, no matter what.

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