Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday 6th of FEB

Well Monday morning has rolled around again. I was hoping that the schools would call a snow day so Simon wouldn't have to go in. Seems they haven't. Of course now I am worrying about him as road conditions are not good. We still have a lot of snow lying on top of ice, accompanied by freezing fog. That is what I can see with my own eyes but is verified by the weather forecasters.
Simon and I had a discussion this morning as he said it was mist not fog. I said they are the same stupid thing but fog is worse. Well mister, I was right they are exactly the same thing but if visibility is less than 1km then it is called fog. Over 1km and it is mist. As I can't see even halfway across the field at the back of the house I think that officially qualifies it as fog!
The forecast for today is -1 high to -5 low, with light drizzle mixed with snow showers this afternoon. More freezing fog later. Lovely. Thank goodness I don't need to go out. This is the first day that I have had a car since we have lived here and it is too awful to go anywhere! Typical.
I'm not sure if I said but Simon has arranged a car share. The last week he has been giving a lift to another teacher who lives in Bourne as he car was in for repair. They agreed that it would be quite a good idea to save money to car share. Paul, is happy to drive the extra 4 miles up the road to collect Simon who will walk down to the main road. It gives that guy an extra 8 miles driving but he gets a week off every other week and saves money.
This was good news for us as we will save at least £80 a month plus it means that every other week the car will be here and I can use it to go where ever I want. Of course in practice what will happen is it will sit there all week and not move. BUT, it is there if I want it. I will be able to go up and see my Mum but not this week with the horrid weather. I don't think it is worth the risk going out when it's like this. I much prefer to stay indoors in the warm.
I have plenty to get on with. Housework as always including a basket full of washing and ironing. I need to do my online banking. I absolutely MUST do something about changing Doctor which I can begin online. I have lots of sewing projects on the go so lots to do there. Lots to keep me busy.
Time to go and get my own breakfast now! I finished my coffee a while ago.
Just realised that I had a hairdressers appointment on the 28th of January which I missed. OOOPs!
Simon is safely in school, only took an hour and a half to get there!
The online registration do dah at our new doctors surgery doesn't work! That means either a lengthy phone call or a visit. Damn.
It is half eleven now and I have cleaned and tided the kitchen, just have the floor left to do, I have washing on and bread baking so I have earned another coffee. I'm off to do some sewing now, maybe back later.

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