Monday, August 27, 2012

Snow in Morton

I'm back from the post office and I now have milk and eggs and a magazine on Lincolnshire life.  It looked interesting with nice glossy photos so I thought I would see what it was like.  It was an adventure walking to the post office, they don't grit the roads out here and certainly not the pavements. I need to remember that village life is different!

I had a pleasant chat with the 2 ladies in the post office and I now know that the one who actually does the post office bit is called Zoe.  They laughed at me when I mentioned the snow.  This is nothing so they tell me.  It gets much worse than this and apparently our end of the village usually gets snowed in at some point over the winter! WTF?  No they weren't joking. She even gave me her telephone number as they do deliveries if you can't get out.  I did enquire how they deliver if it is that bad and she said oh we just walk it!  Presumably if they can walk it so can I?   

Anyhow I am back now and have a nice cup of coffee so I am starting to warm up.  I think it is thawing now as most of the snow is going from the roofs.  I don't think there will be any more although Zoe did say "Just you wait until Sunday".  I don't know if she knows something I don't!

Here are the photos I took this morning.  The first 2 show the view from my bedroom window at about 10am.  The first one is to the rear and the second one to the front so you can see the houses opposite.

This is our road as I was walking up it.

This was coming back the other way.

By the time I got back the snow was pretty much gone from the roof but still on the drive.  You can see where the car was parked.

Alfie and Loulou went crazy first thing so Simon said. Each time I have let them out they have been fairly subdued.  Maybe they are bored with it already!  They prefer to be indoors curled up next to Mummy. 

Here are our footprints. Mine  and theirs!

This is the snow on the gigantic Rosemary bush that is in the front garden.  We need to get that cut back soon before it takes over totally.

This is the snow on a pretty little heather plant just near the front door.

And finally a YouTube video of Alfie and Loulou, it's a bit shaky as I was cold!  It's only a minute long.


Ok, I'm off to do some sewing now before the paint gets here.

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