Monday, August 27, 2012

Loulous tail

Hello, it's me Loulou.  I have got a poor, poor tail.  Something happened to it and it got a chunk missing.  I'm not telling anyone how it happened though.  I have looked after it and licked it all the time to keep it clean. My Daddy put some powder stuff on to help make it better but I licked it off.  I don't want no girlie powder stuff on me!
Anyway, last week it was getting more bad, so my Daddy took me to see Mr Vet.  I don't like Mr Vet.  Daddy is always worried that I might bite him just so he will know that I don't like him!  Ha, I might one day, except they put a muzzle thing on my nose so I can't.
Mr Vet looked at my tail and said it has something in it called a "fection".  He is wrong, there isn't anything in it becasue I have looked.  Mr Vet said that I have to take tablets called "Anti  botics".  He stuck a needle in me too.  Now you know why I don't like him.  Afterwards he gave me digestive biscuits which I took just to show him that I am a good girl.  He needn't think that means we are friends though because he doesn't fool me.
I have been a very good girl about the anti botics.  Daddy puts them in my dinner and I know they are there, but I don't flick them out.  I eat them so that the others can't have them.  They are only for me because I am special and I have a poor tail.
It is getting better now and I don't have to lick it as much.  Anyway, I heard them saying that if I kept licking it they would have to put a neck collar on me to stop me.  I'm not wearing a lamp shade!  Mr Vet also said that sometimes poorly tails don't get better and then he has to chop them off.  No one is chopping off my tail so I am making it better myself.
Daddy has got to take me back to Mr Vet one evening this week, I forget which.  He wants to check that it is getting better.  I already know that, I don't need him to tell me.  Alfie crys when I go on my own to visit Mr Vet.  He crys when he has to go too. 
I am going to have a rest now and let Rosie and Alfie have a go on here.  I have to rest lots because I have a poor, poor tail.
This photo is me in the woods.

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