Monday, August 27, 2012

Weekend catch up

Well we had quite a pleasant weekend despite the rain and the cold and the grey!  Yes, summer still has not arrived here in the UK.  We have been saying how rubbish our summer has been for at least the last 5 years but this is by far the worst. We are coming up to the longest day soon and all we have had so far is about 2 weeks of warm weather.  That means about 70 degrees.  Cool to a lot of my Merikan friends.  It is so disappointing for a sun worshiper like myself.

Simon did manage to reduce the pile of clay over the weekend.  He had to dodge the rain and it was hard work because it was heavy. The second skip is nearly full now.  He has about a ton left to move which I know he is hoping to do this evening.

This is what the pile looks like now.
If he does actually get it all done tonight then I hope that they will come and take the skip tomorrow. We have a full trailer load of cut down trees that needs to go to the dump but we hadn't realised until we went to do it that we can't get the trailer out!!!  

Saturday afternoon we had a visit from Coralie and the boys.  Simon took them to the Morton Steam fair which is held in a farmers field down in the village.  I think they enjoyed having their Granddad to themselves and of course small boys love tractors and stuff.  I went last year and it is quite a good event.

Coralie and I opted to stay at home.  We cut out some fabric.  Evan has asked me to make him Super Hero clothes for his birthday!  Coralie found a pattern for a cape on line and had drawn out a logo for me to copy so that was what we did. The cape is finished but I have yet to begin on a mask.  I did want to make him shorts to go with it but I have lost my pattern. 

Yesterday we visited the allotment to bring back some more of our stuff and to check on our onions and garlic. It was so upsetting as it is totally over grown. Nearly as bad as when we took it on. I guess it looks worse than it is because stuff has grown tall.  The onions look to be ok although they are surrounded by weeds.  The garlic also looks ok but we can't be sure as you can't see the bulbs.  I have a nasty feeling that with all this wet weather they bulbs could actually be rotten.

The rest of the day was spent sewing while Simon worked on that pile of clay. We had a nice dinner of roast lamb, thanks to my Dad again for great meat!  It was fathers day in the uk, not that you would know it in this house.  Simon had 2 cards and a pressie.  We have 5 children, go figure!  I know that there is one card in the post on it's way but the other 2 didn't even bother to phone him.  I am really cross about this and am debating if I should rock the boat by taking them to task.

Today was my normal house work day.  Cleaning, washing, ironing etc. I am very tired and have had a headache all day so once  the housework was finished I took some pills and actually went to bed for a while.  Thankfully it has helped and although my head is not right it is better than it was.

This evening I have some phone calls to make.  My Dad to see how he got on at the doctors and my sister to sort out arrangements for later in the week when we are going to my cousins wedding.  Actually it is my cousins son.  I always get confused about the cousin issue.... Is Mark my second cousin or a cousin once removed?  Guess it doesn't much matter.  He gets married on Friday and as Simon could not have a day off school I am going with my sister.

I made them a card today.  I am also making them a small quilted panel.  It is half done.  Can't decide if I should make it into a cushion.  It is an extra gift as I already purchased them a kettle.   I shall have to get on with it tomorrow.  We have Miss Ellie coming to play after school tomorrow.  She will have dinner with us too. Must check out the freezer and see what I can find that she will eat.

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