Monday, August 20, 2012

50 things you didn't know about me.

This comes from my cousin Wendy.
1. How tall are you barefoot? I am 5'5" when I'm wearing 6 inch heels! (4'11" for those who can't do subtraction) 
2. There wasn't a number 2 
3. Do you own a gun? No! Nor would I ever. 
4. Rehab? When you read about the ones that our so called celebrities go to they sound like top class hotels, so assuming that to be the case then , yes, check me in! My name is Jilly and I am an Internet addict.
5. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"? Not sure if that means in-laws??? If it does, well I don't "meet" them any longer. If it means do I get nervous meeting my own parents, well no, why would I? 
6. What do you think of your friends? I like them, that's why they are friends!. 
7. What's your favorite Christmas song? Hymn- Away in a manger. Pop song - Last Christmas by Wham!!
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Red wine..........only joking! I drink coffee and nothing else will do.
9. Do you do push-ups? Push ups? Push up what, I ask? 
10. Do you wet your toothbrush before pasting it or vice versa? Before always.
11. Are you vegetarian? No. I'm a shamless carnivore.
13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? Why would I want to do that? I have one husband all ready and that's enough. I couldn't cope with any more!!!! 
14. Do you own a knife? I own quite a lot actually. I have a whole set of ones to eat with and I have a carving knife, a chopping knife a paring knife a palette knife, a boning knife a veg knife...... 
15. Do you have A.D.D.? No but I wish I did. It seems you can even get away with murder if you have. Funny how that didn't exist 100 years ago.
16. Date Of Birth? 10th of October, every year. 
17. Top 3 thoughts at this exact moment: Must phone Saskia, must phone Coralie and a glass of nice cold red wine would be good. Yes, I do know that red wine should be served at room temperature before all you wine buffs point it out, but I happen to like mine cold. 
18. Name the last 3 things you have bought? A pink top for me, some yellow trousers and a stripy top for Ellie, all purchased yesterday.
20. What time did you wake up today? 9.20 am I think. It was when Simon came up with my breakfast. It's late because we are still on school holidays. Next week will go back to normal when Simon goes back to school.
21. Current hair? Yes I have hair. 
22. Current worry? My Mum, my Dad, Coralie, Verity, Simon, Saskia, list is endless. I am always worrying but then I do have a lot to worry about! 
23. Current hate? I know I shouldn't really hate things but I do. Loads of things!! Best not to get me started!! 
24. Favorite place to be? At home it would have to be my bedroom either at my computer or in my lovely bed. Away from home would be a lovely sunny beach. Doesn't really matter where as long as it's sunny and warm
25. Least favorite place to be? On a boat!!!! 
26. Where would you like to go? A lovely warm sunny beach! I would like to visit Hawaii one day as long as I don't have to get there by boat!
27. Do you own slippers? I have a pair that Verity got for me, they are pale blue with big Dalmatian heads on the front. I really like them but they sit in my bedroom like ornaments as I more or less never wear slippers. I prefer to be bare foot. 
28. What do you think you'll be in 10 yrs? Hopefully in a smaller house somewhere nice and peaceful.Oh dear! I didn't have my glasses on. On checking this before posting I realised it says "what" not "where"! I think I'll still be me in 10 years. What else would I be?
29. Do you burn or tan? I go a bit pinky looking but then tan. I usually have a reasonable colour all year round. I confess that I do like to lie in the sun even though it's bad for me. If I am looking a bit white at this time of year, then I will use one of the "hint of tan" body moisturisers. I like to have a tan as I don't look as fat with a tan!!! No really, I don't!! 
30. Last thing you ate? Dinner. Cooked by Simon tonight. Bacon chop served with an egg and potatoes.
31. Would you be a pirate? A pirate? Do they still exist? I don't think it would be for me. To scary. Besides don't they live on boats?
32. Last time you had an alcoholic drink? Last night, red wine. 
33. What songs do you sing in the shower? don't sing in the shower, I'm too busy trying to make sure that the water doesn't go all over my face, because then I might drown! 
34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? A monster. I used to be really scared of the dark and would run up our stairs to my room as fast as I could if the lights were off.
36. Last thing that made you laugh? A new Internet friend called Jan she is hilarious. I actually sold Jan some hand cream on EBay and it turned out when she opened it that it had gone off!!! This resulted in some correspondence and a refund. The correspondence developed in to Jan sending me her email address so we could talk. It's amazing how much we have in common. She has 4 children and 2 dogs. She seems very similar to me and is obviously as daft as a brush.
We got to talking about wrinkles the other day and she told me that her best tip is not to polish the mirrors in your house. She reckons that she never polishes hers and when she looks in the mirror she looks about 35! Jan is actually 63! She did say that her husband cleaned them once and she got such a shock she nearly died!!
37. Best bed sheets you had as a child? Flannelette sheets as they always felt so soft and warm and really comfy. You never seem to see them any more. I have got some really old ones that I use occasionally in the winter. 
38. Worst injury you've ever had? Broken wrists. I have been lucky.
40. How many TVs do you have in your house? 6! That sounds dreadful doesn't it. I wouldn't mind but I only ever watch Eastenders which accounts for 2 hours a week. We have a large TV in the living room, small portables in the kitchen and our bedroom. There are still small portables in what was Saskias room and also Veritys room. They are never used as the rooms aren't used at the moment. Josh has his own large TV.
41. Who is your loudest friend? Eddy.
42. Who is your most silent friend? I don't think I have any silent friends. It would be hard to make friends with a totally silent person. My friend Peggy is quietly spoken if that's what is meant. 
43. Does someone have a crush on you? would very much doubt it. 
44. Do you wish on stars? On shooting ones yes.
45. What is your favorite book? Oh goodness, I couldn't really answer that as I have so many. I rarely reread anything though. When I was very young all of Enid Blytons books were my favourites. I am currently reading The holy city - a tale of Clydebank by Meg Henderson. It was our book club book for February but I have only just got it. I ordered it from the library but they had to order it for me. As I still hadn't got it, my cousin Wendy sent me her copy last week. Guess what? The library phoned today to say that they finally have it in!! Typical. I am about half way through and really enjoying it. The reviews by our other book club members weren't favourable but there you go, it wouldn't do if we all liked the same stuff.
46. What is your favorite candy? Any kind of chocolate really. I prefer Galaxy chocolate to Dairy milk though as it is creamier. I can't stand the Hersheys chocolate that you get in America, it always seem to taste slightly of sick to me!! 
47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding? The recent weddings that I have been to all seem to have a special song played for the "first dance" I can remember our first dance but it would have been to what ever song the DJ had chosen . We didn't choose it ourselves. I don't think anyone did back then.
We did have Cliff Richards, Congratulations played as we were leaving at the end. I think everyone did that back then. All the guests would line up, men on one side and women on the other. The groom would work his way down the line of women getting kisses and the girl would work her way down the line of men! When they reached the end every one would cheer and the bride and groom would leave. All this took place while "congratulations" was playing.
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? Never thought about that. 

49. What were you doing 12AM last night? I was entering some Internet competitions and uploading some photos. 
50. Do you love someone? I love loads of people...and dogs!
While I have been checking this prior to posting (good job I did check as there were several mistakes!) I got to thinking that I bet if I asked Simon what he thought my answers to these questions would be, he would hardly give the same answers to any of them. As an experiment I have asked him to complete it with the answers he thinks I would give and I will post his answers at a later date.

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